Welcome to Wicked Stones. Located in Northern Ontario, Canada, we create beautiful one-of-a-kind jewelry as well as individual healing crystals and gemstone sets. With over 20 plus years of experience, we are totally in love with what we do. Everything is made with joyful intentions and positive energy. Cheers!
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Our quartz crystals are perfect for those looking for positive energy and protection in their lives. Whether you are looking to make life changes, start a new beginning, gain strength and determination, or just looking for a beautiful piece of jewelry, our quartz crystals offer something for everyone. Choose from quartz jewelry, individual crystals, or crystal sets to find the perfect piece for your individual needs.
Various Quartz Crystal Metaphysical Properties

Abundance Quartz
One long quartz with many small crystals tucked in around the base
Attract wealth
Attract abundance into your life
Abundance does not always mean financial gain. Abundance is that which fills your life with you, happiness and good energy
Etched Quartz
Accessing ancient wisdom and knowledge from past lives
Attune for spiritual work
Reawakening healing skills
Releasing old patterns that no longer suit who you are now.
Recovery of emotional burdens and weight you have been carrying.

Double Terminated
Radiates and absorbs energy at both ends to channel the energy in 2 directions at once
Breaking patterns that no longer serve you
Absorbs negative energy
Working with the 3rd eye for enhancing telepathy

Faden Quartz
A Faden Crystal has inclusions of white thread like fibres inside the stone. These are found only in the fissures of metamorphic formations unlike other quartz crystals that from in pegmatite or in cavities of sedimentary rock
Self healing - these crystals have fractured during growing and unified itself
Strength to move forwards during and after trauma - regeneration
Protection during astral travel
Link to your higher self and healing
Healing broken trust in relationships
Learn to love yourself as who you are
Bridges gaps during conflict for healing breaks
Long distance healing connection
Crown chakra
Fairy Quartz
Gentle Healing energy
Protection from negative energy
Transforms negative energy to positive
Harmony and peace
Healing and removing emotional pain from the past
Optimism in dealing with changes
Joy and happiness
Increasing psychic abilities
Calming after nightmares
Builds creative energy

Lemurian Seed Quartz
Access to ancient grid energies and wisdom into the present
Work with angelic contact
Connecting with higher consciousness
Help you to discover your soul purpose
Enhancing your natural healing talents and gifts
Increase intuition
Chakra balance and clearing
Working with manifestation to teach you that all thoughts are creative and take on form. Harness this energy with the right intent and self belief.
Manifest with clear thought

Machu Picchu Peru Crystals
Helps you to connect with earth's grid energy
Absorbs negative energy
Releases positive vibes and energy
Increase concentration
Meditation focus
Increase intuition
Maya Messenger Vera Cruz
Very high vibrations
Works with the etheric blueprint and subtle DNA to bring about profound interdimensional cellular healing
Purification on a spiritual level
Removes imprints and attachments of all kinds
Protection during out-of-body experiences & astral travel
Powerful meditation crystal for achieving beta brainwave state
Activates and cleanses all Chakra
Crown and Third Eye Chakra
Help break addictions and cycles of co-dependency by teaching you that you cannot control others motivations
Release the caretaker co-dependency
Love unconditionally while allowing others to walk their path and let their soul take their own journeys.
Helps you to express your gifts as your true self

Phantom Quartz
Transition and life changes
Put the past into perspective and point the way towards growth
Activates healing ability
Recovering repressed memories and accessing the Akashic Records
Discover your soul plan and release that which you no longer need
Release ingrained patterns
Connection with spirit guides
White phantoms transmit light and information between higher realms and earth
Enhances meditation

Rainbow Quartz
Draws off negative energy
Sending out healing energy to the body and the environment.
Rainbows bring rainbows into the wearer’s life and are very special spirit-keepers of the crystal.
Dealing with negative energy and maintain an “awareness” that love is within the life one experiences at every moment.
Cleanse, balance and energize all the Chakra
Fill the aura with light
Transformation from pain and darkness to light and happiness.
New vitality into situations where disappointments were found
Forgive the failings of others

Rutile Quartz
Calming energy
Uplift your spirits
Promotes spiritual growth
Aids in channelling or scrying (divination)
Letting go of past emotions that no longer support you
Support when life changes with fine tuning your intuition so you can see the most productive choices to make
Let go of fears, phobias and anxiety
Forgive yourself and love who you are - release your self doubts and negativity towards your self
Emotional stability in relationships of all kinds
In healing grids it holds the earth's energy stable
Increase your creativity

Seer Stone Emma Egg
Scrying (fortune telling)
Accessing past knowledge
Building psychic powers
Gaze into the flat polished surfaces while concentrating on visions from the past, present and future.

Septarian Quartz
Harmony of your emotions
Illumination of ideas and thoughts
Support while working with manifestation process to achieve your goals
Teaches you patience, tolerance and endurance
Helps you to put your creative ideas into action
Speaking in public to help you connect to others
Self nurturing yourself and caring for others
Focusing your energy for healing

Shaman Quartz
Enhances astral and journeying
Bridging worlds
Helps you to change your life by seeing a path
Working with ancestors for learning
Compassion for the self
Problem solving when seeking an answer
Absorbs negative energy and in your environment

Smoky Elestial Quartz
Change and transformation
Dissolves confusion, fears and blocks
Powerful purifying negative energy from self and environment
Replaces negative energy with vibrant light
Protection from geopathic stress and psychic attack
Creating a safe space when gridding
Heals past life trauma and helps you to release your personal power from anyone who has enslaved your energy
Helps you to see and understand your gifts
Heals emotional pain and trauma
Powerful physical healing
Resonates with the earth and base chakra while bridging all chakra up to the soul star.
Enhances energy through the chakra
Prevents nightmares
Reduce sadness and low feelings of depression
Improves concentration

Smoky Quartz
Powerful grounding Root Chakra
Raises vibrations during meditation
Lower stress with emotional calmness
Neutralizes negative vibes and fills the area with positive energy
Let go of what you no longer need in life
Relieves fear and depression
Reduces fear of failure while building concentration and insight
Soulmate Twin Quartz
Crystal points that are approximately the same size growing together from the same crystal
Draw your soul mate to you
Attraction and manifestation
Harmony in relationships of many kinds (family, love, friendship)
Learn how to be unique and yourself in a relationship
Learn and trust who you are as a person

Tangerine Quartz
Healing after shock and trauma of the soul and psychic attack
Restores joy and lighter thoughts
Increase optimism
Working with the Sacral chakra
Helps you to see beyond what you believe and embrace positive vibrations
Courage to move forward and make changes in your life