Block negative energy.
Release patterns that no longer support you.
Your pendulum is a rich mix of black Tourmaline (which measures just over 3/4 of an inch) as well as a single piece of rectangular cut snowflake Obsidian. This makes a powerful mixture of crystals for those seeking intense protection and support while dealing with negative energy, patterns and vibes. The black tourmaline crystal is hand-wrapped in Sterling silver wire, so you could possibly remove it if you wanted to wear just the crystal at times by gently opening the jump ring.
With a dangle length of just over 12 inches, your pendulum has a fabulous swing to it. It's a beautiful dowsing and or divination took to help you to build and follow your own intuition. Hold it by the large heart and watch the double-sided cat swing while resting in the arms of a crescent moon.
The chain is silver plated and the connectors are also silver plate wire.
How do I use a Pendulum?
Take the time to connect with the pendulum in the same way you might work with a Tarot deck or fortune telling tools. When you feel ready, dangle the crystal over a flat surface and ask it to show you "no". Then "yes". Note the direction the pendant swings for each answer. The movement reacts to your subconscious and energy on a personal level. Everyone will have their own movement that attunes to them.
Tourmaline and Obsidian Cat Pendulum
Black Tourmaline Healing Properties
Snowflake Obsidian Healing
Powerful protection
Absorbs negative energy
Clears and removes blockages
Promotes self confidence
Diminish fears
Relaxed positive attitude with rational thought
Blocks ill wishes, hexes, psychic attack
Support during stressful times