Ammonites are a wonderful companion when you are looking to change your life. You can feel grounded and centered when the world around you is filled with chaos, tension and change. Know you are safe and protected. You can let go of the methods of survival you have used in the past and learn how to make changes with success.
So eye-catching and beautiful! This Ammonite fossil has stunning patterns that are on both sides of this incredible ancient creature. You can see the lighter and darker patterns that naturally spiral around the fossil and work their way into the center core. The side is unpolished, and you can see these amazing patterns and feel the natural texture there.
Ammonites are extinct marine creatures that are approximately 400 million years old and collected in Morocco.
Measuring just over 1 and 1/4 inches tall by 1 inch wide, I have hand-wrapped your Ammonite with an artisan silver wire. Please choose your cord length when ordering, or you can just put it on your own favorite necklace you already have.
This ammonite has been polished to a gorgeous shine but there are some natural areas. This makes for a wonderful experience for your fingers to explore. A perfect gift for those who need emotional support during life changes as well as a unique one-of-a-kind gift for anyone who has a passion for history and or fossil collecting.
Ammonite polished Fossil for positive life changes and prosperity
Ammonite Healing Properties
Ammonites are an extinct marine animal approximately 400 million years old and from Morocco Their shells have a beautiful spiral pattern that resembles a set of ram’s horns. Plinius the Elder from Pompeii (in 79AD) called this fossil the “Horns of Ammon” because of the Egyptian God Ammon (Amun). This was because Amun was depicted wearing rams horns.
- Good luck, prosperity and success
- Inspiration for artists and creators
- Protection
- Stability during change
- Grounding and structure in your life
- Block negative energies
- Root chakra and balance
- Helps you to be able to let go of your survival mode